Domain Language
The jargon we use to talk about core concepts in object-relational mapping.
Term | Definition |
Association | A relationship between two entities. E.g. customer.orders or customer.address . |
Change Tracking | Keeping track of modifications to loaded entities, so that we can generate SQL DML to persist the changes. |
Compiled Query | Allowing user-code to reference a query executor component to remove any query preparation overhead. |
Eager Load | Loading an entity's related data together with the entity itself. |
Expression Tree | Turning code into a tree data structure at runtime, instead of executing it. |
Fix-up | The process of ensuring loaded, related entities reference each other properly. |
Identity Map | Caching loaded entities in memory, so that we only have a single instance of each entity loaded within a unit of work. (Sometimes called the Level 1 cache) |
Ignored | An entity or property that is explicitly excluded from the metadata model. |
Lazy Load | Loading an entity's related data only when and if it is needed. |
LINQ | Language Integrated Query. The pattern used in .NET that allows database queries to be translated to SQL, but written in C# code. |
Metadata Model | The configuration data that describes the model, and how it maps to the database. |
Model | The set of entity types, associations and value-types comprising the data and behavior of an application. |
Query Compilation | The process of turning a logical query, expressed in API calls, into a physical, reusable execution plan. |
Query Operator | A function that describes a specific query operation. e.g. map , where , limit etc. |
Navigation Property | A property on an entity type that references another entity type (either single or collection). |
Persistent Ignorant | When user-code does not directly depend on any ORM code. |
Shadow Property | A property that exists on an entity in the model, but does not exist on the corresponding Typescript class. |
Streaming Query | When the results of a query are loaded as they are needed, usually via iteration. |
Unit of Work | A logical set of operations against a model that will be flushed to the database in a single transaction. |
Update Pipeline | The components that determine how to turn in-memory logical model changes into physical SQL operations. |