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Verse employs the concept of "convention over configuration" to reduce the amount of boilerplate configuration that needs to be written. This means that the framework makes assumptions about how your application is structured, and provides sensible defaults for these assumptions. This allows you to focus on writing the code that is unique to your application, rather than spending time on boilerplate code.

The conventions that Verse uses are as follows:


When a boolean property is defined on an entity, it is assumed that this property is mapped to a column in the database that will represent this boolean as a 1 or 0. This convention is used when the target database does not directly support a boolean type.


When a property is defined on an entity, the column name that this property is mapped to in the database is assumed to be the pascal-cased version of the property name. For example, a property named firstName will be mapped to a column named FirstName.


The type of the column in the database is inferred from the values of various properties on the entity. For example, if a property is of type string and has a maxLength attribute with a value of 50, then the column in the database will be of type VARCHAR(50).


When a property is of type Date, it is assumed that this property is mapped to a column in the database that will represent this date as a timestamp. This convention is used when the target database does not directly support a date type.


When a property is of type Date, it is assumed that this property is mapped to a column in the database that will represent this date as a timestamp with time zone. This convention is used instead of DateAsTimestamp when the target database supports timezones.


Sets up a model-level conversion so that all Date properties are serialized to and deserialized from a string in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ. This is the format that is used by the Date object's toISOString.


When a property is of type Date, it is assumed that this property should be serialized to and deserialized from a string in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ. This is the format that is used by the Date object's toISOString method. This convention is used when that target database does not directly support a date type.


For databases that support sequences, properties can be configured to use a sequence as the default value via Verse's built-in support for the hi-lo pattern ("seqhilo"). This convention creates the database sequence that will be used by default.


Sets the default entity name for an object-based entity to be the singularized, pascal-cased label of the entity.


When two entities have a relationship, the foreign key column in the database is assumed to be named after the name of the entity that the foreign key references, followed by the name of the primary key column on that entity. E.g. if an entity named Album has a relationship to an entity named Artist, and the primary key of Artist is id, then the foreign key column on the Album table will be named ArtistId.


When two entities have a relationship, the foreign key column in the database is assumed to be named after the name of the primary key column on the entity that the foreign key references. E.g. if an entity named Album has a relationship to an entity named Artist, and the primary key of Artist is albumId, then the foreign key column on the Album table will be named albumId.


Sets the default behavior for the ON DELETE clause of foreign key constraints. If any property of the foreign key is required, the ON DELETE clause will be set to CASCADE. Otherwise, it will be set to SET NULL.


Sets the default identity generation strategy for a single, numeric key column to "identity". This convention is used when the target database supports identity columns.


Sets the default maximum length for a string property to 255, or 36 if the string property is being used to store a UUID.

Configures the foreign key used by navigation properties between entities. If there is a single foreign key set up between the two entities, set it as the foreign key for the navigation properties.


Sets the default precision and scale for numeric (non-integer) properties to 18 and 4, respectively.


Tries to discover the primary key property of an entity by looking for a property named id or <entityName>Id.


Makes all properties on an entity not nullable by default.


Sets the default identity generation strategy for a single, numeric key column to seqhilo. This convention is used when the target database supports sequences. Depends on the DefaultSequence convention to create the sequence.


Sets the default table name for an entity to be entity name.


Sets the default inheritance strategy to "single table inheritance". Entity inheritance hierarchies are mapped to a single table in the database, with a discriminator column to differentiate between the different types of entities.


When a property's configure column type is uuid, it is assumed that this property should be serialized to and deserialized from a Buffer. This convention is used when the target database does not directly support a UUID type, but is instead using a BINARY(16) column to store the UUID.


Looks for an integer property named version on an entity and sets it as the version property for optimistic concurrency.